Part 6.1 - Munsyari Snow

Finally, we reached Munsyari....and boy, was it cold..but no snow...just rain...but still very very very cold :-)

Retiring for the day...hoping that there will be a snowfall tomorrow...

We get up early and guess what..the Gods have answered our prayers.....

Angel got pretty excited on seeing her first live she took lots of picture with the flash on..which blurred the background.

This picture is with the flash off - the snowfall has just started a few minutes ago.

Now the snow starts collecting

When a snowfall starts..things become absolutely silent...

see how peaceful everything is...

We decreased the shutter speed to capture the effect of falling snow....

Angel and Narendra (KMVN TRC Staff member) braving the cold

The snow flakes can collect on your hair if u stand out in the cold for too long...

and they can even collect on your eyebrows also... :-)))

Brrrr...ain't u feeling the cold???

Cant see any photos on your blog
should be fixed now...
its tooo gooood......
its really awesome.....
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