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Home -> Kumaon road trip -> Himkhola village and trek to Kurmthang -> Dharchula to Himkhola-> Part 2

this reminded me of the lines form the kubla khan poem..

that is narayan ashram, where the road is ending.

and that is the gori ganga river flowing to meet the kali ganga....'through caverns measureless to man' :-)
pahaad always brings out the poet in you :-)

the entrance door to himkhola village

the entrance door to himkhola village

there is a cute little gadhera (mountain stream) next to the village

the rock seems to be carved by the flow of water over the ages.

the rock seems to be carved by the flow of water over the ages.

very old house, semi old house and a modern house (the only one in the village)
Home -> Kumaon road trip -> Himkhola village and trek to Kurmthang -> Dharchula to Himkhola-> Part 2
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