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Home - Kumaon Trip (Oct 2011) -> Narayan Ashram and Syangse Sthan -> Part 1
After a hearty breakfast of lai vegetables and parathas (indian bread), we decided to visit narayan ashram, sosa village (some relatives of our friends) and syangse sthan temple.

the Himkhola village gadhera (stream) ... it was a lovely sight. if the weather was warmer, it would have been ideal for a dip.

the Himkhola (Mongo or mongong) village can be seen in the background

stopping for a cup of tea enroute to narayan ashram. this village is called sosa. the green meadows above it are called tilthin. will try to go there this winter .... hopefully will be white :)

sosa village fields

approaching narayan ashram ... those peaks seen in the background are in nepal. i think it is a part of the kawa lekh range of mountains. to their left (north) lies api and namjung.

reached narayan ashram ... small shop selling aloo guthke (potatoes) and tea

there were some late autumn flowers in narayan ashram

Home - Kumaon Trip (Oct 2011) -> Narayan Ashram and Syangse Sthan -> Part 1
After a hearty breakfast of lai vegetables and parathas (indian bread), we decided to visit narayan ashram, sosa village (some relatives of our friends) and syangse sthan temple.

the Himkhola village gadhera (stream) ... it was a lovely sight. if the weather was warmer, it would have been ideal for a dip.

the Himkhola (Mongo or mongong) village can be seen in the background

stopping for a cup of tea enroute to narayan ashram. this village is called sosa. the green meadows above it are called tilthin. will try to go there this winter .... hopefully will be white :)

sosa village fields

approaching narayan ashram ... those peaks seen in the background are in nepal. i think it is a part of the kawa lekh range of mountains. to their left (north) lies api and namjung.

reached narayan ashram ... small shop selling aloo guthke (potatoes) and tea

there were some late autumn flowers in narayan ashram

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